Monday, July 26, 2021

Reconnecting With Friends


When fate brings old friends back into our lives, there is always a reason
Every person that passes through our lives makes a contribution to our life stories. There are those who play large roles and make deep impressions, but sometimes a brief special appearance before life takes them in another direction creates a meaningful connection. It is a rare gift when they suddenly reappear in our lives after a long absence.

Though the world may seem full of more people than we could ever know, we are often drawn to people with similar energy, which brings us together time and time again. On first meeting, the characters in our life stories may seem familiar. We may know each other from past lives or perhaps we merely recognize the energy of a kindred spirit. But when fate brings old friends back into our lives, there is always a reason. 
They may act as messengers, reminding us of a part of ourselves we have forgotten to nurture. They might appear to give us a chance to react in a new way to an old situation. They may even bring up unresolved issues so that we may complete them, giving us the chance to move forward on our life path. Whether old friends, previous romances, or once and future partners, their reappearance is more than mere chance. They may never know what they bring into our lives, but the renewed contact is a gift.

If this hasn’t happened to you, maybe you are meant to initiate contact by seeking out old friends. If old friends come to mind or into your dreams, use their appearance as an excuse to get in touch. If an old song or movie reminds you of them, reach out to share the gift of renewed contact. Wherever you fall in the circle of connection and re connection, be sure to look beyond the surprise of the moment to enjoy the deeper gift that this revelation brings.
Doc Savage

Sunday, July 25, 2021

12 Ways Successful People Deal With Toxic People


Thursday, July 22, 2021

Why We Lash Out

It is human nature to sometimes lash out at others, but we can learn to navigate our feelings without losing our centre.

Each one of us has experienced situations where we've found ourselves lashing out at someone without meaning to. We later berate ourselves for losing control and feel guilty for treating the other person badly. And while it is human nature that our emotions and moods will get the better of us from time to time, we can learn to navigate our feelings and negotiate difficult situations without losing our centre. 

Often, when we lash out, it is because we are having a difficult time containing the emotions that are coming up inside of us. We may be feeling overwhelmed, afraid, frustrated, stressed out, or angry. Having these feelings boiling up inside of us can be very uncomfortable, and it is natural to want to release them. But when we release our feelings from our body by directing them outward and toward someone else, they inevitably impact the "innocent bystander" to whom we are directing this energy. They not only get the brunt of our anger, frustration, or stress, but also they can actually experience this energy as a physical force hitting their bodies.

When you find yourself in a situation where you are about to lash out at the person in front of you, try to centre yourself by breathing slowly and deeply. A few slow inhales and exhales can help dissipate the intensity of your feelings before they escape you. Later, when you find yourself in a more reflective state, sit down for a moment; recall the feelings in your body just before and during your outburst; note where you feel sensations coming up in your body; and ask yourself if they are connected to any core issue or experience from your life. If nothing comes to mind, then revisit the situation again, exaggerating the details of what happened by indulging in outlandish "what if" fantasies. Exaggerating events after the fact can help expose the unconscious subtext behind your heated response. 
Understanding the motivation behind your reactions can help you avoid lashing out again when a similar situation comes up. In learning to navigate around your emotions, you are giving yourself the tools to feel better the next time your emotions start to boil. In doing so, you will be taking care of yourself by alleviating your own uncomfortable feelings while respecting and protecting those around you. 
Doc Savage

Friday, July 16, 2021

Falling In love With Yourself

Once you discover how to fall in love with yourself, you can't help but treat yourself with respect and thoughtfulness.

While seeking love, many people tend to look outward rather than inward. Yet falling in love with yourself can be just as wonderful an experience as falling in love with someone else. While the idea of falling in love with ourselves may be thought of as conceited or selfish, choosing to fall in love with who you are is a powerful act of self-love.
When you fall in love with yourself, you can't help but experience a wonderful sense of discovery. You begin to look at yourself again through fresh eyes, becoming more attentive to the little details that make you so unique. Once you discover how much there is about you to fall in love with, you can't help but want to treat yourself as lovingly and respectfully as you would treat anyone who is special to you. You start to give to yourself more because you become more attentive to your own needs and desires.
Choosing to fall in love with yourself is a very personal process that takes time. There is no magic wand you can wave to make this happen. But there is the magic of your intention and the power of your actions, whether you are taking the time to do the activities you like, speaking to and treating yourself with respect, taking inventory of all of your wonderful qualities and accomplishments, or nurturing yourself with plenty of rest and self-care. 
When you fall in love with yourself, you begin to see yourself more positively, appreciate your unique outlook on life, and treat yourself in a more nurturing way. In loving yourself, you are acknowledging that you are special and deserving of love. Best of all, you are giving yourself one of the greatest gifts you have to give another. You are giving yourself the gift of your love. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

You Are The Light of The World

You are the consciousness of the Universe or, as Jesus put it, “You are the light of the world”. Paradoxical as it may seem, there is no better time to discover this truth within yourself than a time of adversity!

Thank you for being here at a time when our world continues to go through a series of major challenges impacting both individuals and the collective. There is no doubt that humanity is at a critical point in its evolutionary journey toward transcendence of egoic dysfunction and a more awakened consciousness.

When we meet with loss, disruption of our lives or any kind of adversity, there is not only DANGER, but also OPPORTUNITY.

There are two dimensions to the danger we are faced with collectively, particularly at the present time. On the one hand, there is the real possibility of experiencing adversity on the level of physicality, such as sickness, loss of livelihood, natural disasters, social and economic breakdown, violence, and so on. Life in the realm of physicality is, of course, fleeting and precarious even in the best of times.

More fundamentally, however, the danger is of an inner nature. It is the possibility of a serious deterioration in our mental/emotional state, our state of consciousness. This happens when we are overcome by reactivity and then find ourselves at the mercy of unconscious forces such as fear, anger, despondency, nihilism, or rigid and unquestioned collective thought forms that seek to assert tyrannical control over our lives. Loss of critical thinking happens when thinking is no longer rooted in awareness.

When awareness is lost, we easily become possessed by the hive-mind as represented by our mainstream and social media. Our rational faculties are seriously impaired and our decision-making turns dysfunctional. This exacerbates rather than alleviates our problems. In other words, we regress to a lower level of consciousness and are completely in the grip of the collective ego.

When we recognize that the greatest danger we are facing is the loss of consciousness rather than any external situation, we begin to see the OPPORTUNITY that opens up when faced with major challenges. 

It is the realization that the primary and decisive factor is never the situation we find ourselves in, but the state of consciousness with which we face the situation. This determines whether any action we take makes matters worse or is helpful and beneficial. Furthermore, what becomes your reality in the future is intrinsically connected to your state of consciousness in the present. More often than not, the primacy of this inner dimension is not realized except through the pressure of suffering created by seemingly insurmountable challenges in the outer dimension. This realization represents the opportunity that is opening up for us at this time.

The world situation is now calling more and more of us to take this inner journey toward conscious evolution.

You are, essentially, not a person! You are the consciousness of the Universe or, as Jesus put it, “You are the light of the world”. Paradoxical as it may seem, there is no better time to discover this truth within yourself than a time of adversity!

Not everyone will understand these words but maybe you will. God be with you now and always. Use the universal force 🙏🙏

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Personal Power

Power is not about exerting our will over others, it is about being in complete truth with yourself.

Many of us do not understand what personal power means. We have been given the false notion that power is bad -- that it is something we use to exert our will upon others. In fact, when our personal power is intact, we are neither overbearing nor meek. We have a clear sense of our strength and the impact we can have on others. This actually enables us to be more sensitive. Personal power is what permits us to work on behalf of our dreams and desires. It allows us to realize that we are worthy and deserve to be heard. In addition, our personal power lets us extend the respect we know that we deserve to the people around us. There is no reason to be afraid or ashamed of fully owning your power.

In the chakra system, the solar plexus is the seat of personal power. One way to evaluate your sense of power is to breathe into this part of the body. If it feels tight or nervous, it is an indication that you may not be fully expressing your power. You can heal this imbalance by expanding the area of the solar plexus with your breath. You can also visualize a bright yellow sun in this part of your body. Allow its heat to melt any tension, and let its light dissolve any darkness or heaviness. Repeating this exercise on a regular basis can restore and rejuvenate your sense of power. 

Another way to nurture your personal power is to honour your dreams and desires by making concrete plans to manifest them in the world. Start by making a list of things you want, and let yourself think big. Choose one goal from the list and commit to bringing it to fruition. In addition, break the goal into tasks that you can work on each day. Know that you deserve to have your dreams come true and that you have the power to bring them into being.  

The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect  Each of us, however, carries within us the capacity to change the world in small ways for better or worse. Ev...