Tuesday, July 13, 2021

You Are The Light of The World

You are the consciousness of the Universe or, as Jesus put it, “You are the light of the world”. Paradoxical as it may seem, there is no better time to discover this truth within yourself than a time of adversity!

Thank you for being here at a time when our world continues to go through a series of major challenges impacting both individuals and the collective. There is no doubt that humanity is at a critical point in its evolutionary journey toward transcendence of egoic dysfunction and a more awakened consciousness.

When we meet with loss, disruption of our lives or any kind of adversity, there is not only DANGER, but also OPPORTUNITY.

There are two dimensions to the danger we are faced with collectively, particularly at the present time. On the one hand, there is the real possibility of experiencing adversity on the level of physicality, such as sickness, loss of livelihood, natural disasters, social and economic breakdown, violence, and so on. Life in the realm of physicality is, of course, fleeting and precarious even in the best of times.

More fundamentally, however, the danger is of an inner nature. It is the possibility of a serious deterioration in our mental/emotional state, our state of consciousness. This happens when we are overcome by reactivity and then find ourselves at the mercy of unconscious forces such as fear, anger, despondency, nihilism, or rigid and unquestioned collective thought forms that seek to assert tyrannical control over our lives. Loss of critical thinking happens when thinking is no longer rooted in awareness.

When awareness is lost, we easily become possessed by the hive-mind as represented by our mainstream and social media. Our rational faculties are seriously impaired and our decision-making turns dysfunctional. This exacerbates rather than alleviates our problems. In other words, we regress to a lower level of consciousness and are completely in the grip of the collective ego.

When we recognize that the greatest danger we are facing is the loss of consciousness rather than any external situation, we begin to see the OPPORTUNITY that opens up when faced with major challenges. 

It is the realization that the primary and decisive factor is never the situation we find ourselves in, but the state of consciousness with which we face the situation. This determines whether any action we take makes matters worse or is helpful and beneficial. Furthermore, what becomes your reality in the future is intrinsically connected to your state of consciousness in the present. More often than not, the primacy of this inner dimension is not realized except through the pressure of suffering created by seemingly insurmountable challenges in the outer dimension. This realization represents the opportunity that is opening up for us at this time.

The world situation is now calling more and more of us to take this inner journey toward conscious evolution.

You are, essentially, not a person! You are the consciousness of the Universe or, as Jesus put it, “You are the light of the world”. Paradoxical as it may seem, there is no better time to discover this truth within yourself than a time of adversity!

Not everyone will understand these words but maybe you will. God be with you now and always. Use the universal force 🙏🙏

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